Glimpses #4  

Posted by Steven G.

As my 20's melted away and my 30's came, God began to take me in a new direction. Marriage and kids had brought a measure of happiness, but deep joy was missing. I had been living as a legalist for quite a while. My relationship with God was fraught with religion. I easily turned my discipleship training into a scheme to make myself feel good about my religious performance and to impress God with my relative righteousness. In my mind, if I kept the rules, then God would love me. But thankfully, God didn't allow me to stay at that place.

My soul was in deep need of spiritual renewal and God met me in my need. Through two godly men, I began to learn a truth that I had either forgotten or never known. I knew that Jesus died-on-the-cross-for-my-sins, but that wasn't good news to me. I had half the Gospel! I had been put back to even with God, and in my mind it was up to me to stay there! Through these two men, I learned that God takes our sin AND covers us in the righteousness of Jesus. When he looks at me, He is pleased, because He sees the righteousness of Jesus. This was and continues to be good news....

Glimpses #3  

Posted by Steven G.

My early adult and married life brought times of spiritual clarity and times of struggle. I was blessed by God to meet several godly men in my 20's and 30's who were willing to invest themselves in me. Through one of these guys I learned what it meant to be a disciple of Jesus. As I had for my most of my christian life, I claimed that I was a christian, but I never read my Bible or prayed. I lived off the faith of my parents. I had very little knowledge of Jesus.

God was working in my life making Jesus real in new ways. It was good.

At about this same time, I met a new companion: depression. Depression is a strange thing, and I believe that it manifests itself differently in people's lives. For me, depression came at odd times. I would wake one day with a pressure on my soul that couldn't be relieved. Constantly tired, feeling hopeless and drained, I would plod through life. I don't understand depression, but I have come to see it as part of my physical brokenness. A piece of me that needs to be restored. A thorn that I long to have removed, but is left in me so that Jesus' strength may be seen....


Posted by Steven G.

Has it really been over a year since I've blogged? I guess like most of America, I've turned my attention to the immediate gratification of Facebook. However, there is still a good place for blogs, so I might start up again.

Glimpses 2  

Posted by Steven G.

My time at 85th Street was crucial in my experience of the Gospel. At this place I found people who loved me and poured themselves out so that I could flourish. In the youth group I received my first non-King James bible, heard biblical teaching and experienced Christian community. I wish I could say that I was a spiritual virtuoso, grasping deep truths and seeing the Gospel with clarity, Gospel grasp was weak at best. I remember as I struggled with sin, that Jesus said something about being forgiven 70 times 7. The way I figured it, I had 490 times to ask for forgiveness! Guilt was my constant companion.

A half-Gospel is really not good news. My teen years and early twenties were spent with a half-Gospel. I knew that Jesus died on the cross for sinners and that I was a sinner. I had walked the aisle and asked Him into my heart. I feared God. He was my judged and was constantly disappointed with me. Sin was what others could see. My life was without power, joy, purpose. I was still relating to God as a slave, trying to keep the law so that He would be happy with me.

I took this Gospel through college, to Moody and into my marriage to Laura.

Thankfully, God was still working...calling.....pursuing me.....................